Whether you are shoveling snow from a big snow storm or and everyday snowfall, there is risk.  While most wont have any problems shoveling snow, some are at risk of heart attack.  Sudden exertion (like moving hundreds of pounds of snow) can put a strain on the heart.   Before you get out the shovel read these safety tips…


  • Warm up. Warm your muscles before heading out to shovel by doing stretches and light movements.
  • Push rather than lift. Pushing the snow with the shovel instead of lifting can help reduce the strain on your body. Don’t forget to bend your knees and use your legs when lifting snow. Protect your back by lifting properly and safely, stand with feet at hip width for balance.
  • Choose a good shovel. Ergonomically designed shovels that are also light weight can help reduce the amount of bending and decrease the weight you are lifting. A small plastic blade is better than a large metal blade.
  • Hit the pause button.  Take frequent breaks and pace yourself.   A good rule is to take a break after 20-30 minutes of shoveling.  Breaks should be more frequent when the snow is wet and heavier.
  • Break it up. Consider shoveling periodically throughout the storm to avoid having to move large amounts of snow at once. Walk to dump snow rather than throwing it.
  • Keep up with snowfall. Try to shovel snow shortly after it falls, when it’s lighter and fluffier. The longer snow stays on the ground, the wetter it can become. Wet snow is heavier and harder to move.
  • Wear layers. Dress in layers and remove them as you get warm to help maintain a comfortable body temperature.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated while shoveling.
  • Extra Hand.  If you are a senior, consider the help of neighbours, hiring a student or using volunteer services.   If you are able, consider helping others.


Stop shoveling and call 9?1?1 if you have

    • discomfort or heaviness in the chest, arms or neck
    • unusual or prolonged shortness of breath
    • a dizzy or faint feeling
    • excessive sweating or nausea and vomiting