It’s almost that time….Back-to-School. On average, Canadian parents will spend on average $700 per student, with most of the budget being spent on clothing and accessories. This year, due to inflation, it will be the most expensive back-to-school season ever. Here are a few helpful tips for parents going shopping to help you save:

• Skip the name brands. They’re much pricier.
• Check the coupon sites for deals.
• Check your kids’ last-year clothing and make a list of what needs replacing (or doesn’t).
• Buy the store brand for knockoffs of more expensive designer labels.
• Scour your home for school supplies.
• Borrow or trade school supplies.
• Buy in bulk and split the cost with friends.
• Buy second-hand.
• Shop online and get cash back.
• Hit the dollar store….you’d be amazed what you can find.
• Spread purchases out throughout the year…don’t feel like you have to do all your spending in September, some things can wait.
• Shop around and compare prices.