We know how great fall is in our area. How can we not? The signs are everywhere! I put together a list of some of the things I notice. If you have any to add, please! play along and post a comment on our Facebook page with the link to this.  I’d love it.

Here are: The Top Ten Signs it’s Fall in Southwestern Ontario

10. You have found yourself driving slow down behind a farm vehicle on the highway.

9. You’re sad because fair season is over and then you remember the Dorchester Fair always happens Thanksgiving weekend!

8. You thought SUMMER construction was bad!

7. High school kids are still wearing shorts to school.

6. You can’t decide which are bugging you more, the wasps or the fruit flies!


5. End of the season — so many farmer’s markets, so little time!

4. You can’t decide if the fall leaves look nicer along the 401.. or maybe the 402?

3. You bring your winter coat to the drive-in.

2. Just when you thought your tan was fading, you feel heat on your skin on that super bright fall day and wonder if you should’ve put on sunscreen.

1. You once again find yourself thankful and amazed at how wonderous fall is in our part of the world!

Again, if you have any to add, post them on the Facebook link to this blog.  And thanks!


Filed under: top ten october southwestern Ontario