This post is sponsored by Dr. Rondeau


A little while ago I made a big embarrassing admission on the air, that I do in fact snore.   Yeah, I’m not proud of it so I made an appointment to go see the experts at Dr. Brock Rondeau and Associates.


Dr. Rondeau and his super nice assistant Sherry talked to me about how snoring could indicate that I suffer from obstructive sleep apnea which can mean your airway gets blocked when your jaw drops back while you’re sleeping.  It can lead to serious health issues like irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.  It’s not something you want to mess around with.   Some of the symptoms of sleep apnea are unpleasant too;  snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, gasping or choking during the night, non-refreshed sleep, fragmented sleep, clouded memory, irritability, personality changes, decreased sex drive, and morning headaches.  They have a lot of the information listed on their website as well.


I really appreciated that they took the time to explain what could be going on and what they were looking for in the tests which made the whole process less stressful.


Before we could do the actual sleep test, Sherry took some super cool pictures of my head and mouth and ran a couple of tests just to make sure there aren’t any underlying conditions that may be contributing to a sleep problem.   She also had me answer some questions about my sleep habits and how I feel on a regular basis.   Once all the tests were done it was time for the quick tutorial on the sleep test kit!


One of the coolest things Dr. Rondeau does that other sleep clinics don’t is let you take the test the home.  My dad had a sleep test a few years ago and his experience was awful.  He had to spend the night at a clinic in a cubicle on a foreign bed with a bunch of wires strapped to his chest and head unable to move.   Sounds comfy, right?   Well this is sooooo much better.  Dr. Rondeau sends you home with a small device you strap to your head and you get to sleep in your own bed.  Glorious.

So now I’m all set up and ready to do the sleep test in a few days.   I can’t wait to take you along for the ride!

Filed under: dr rondeau, hilary, sleep, snore