How many times have you watched “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”?

Rudolph, Hermey the Misfit Elf, Yukon Cornelius, The Abominable Snowman, the Misfit Toys, and of course, Santa!

Would you love to have a piece of that history?

Auction house Profiles in History, will have two models from the Rankin Bass stop-motion classic on the auction block next month.


A 6-inch tall Rudolph and an 11-inch-tall Santa are being sold together. They’re expected to go for between 150 and 250 thousand dollars.

The auction starts November 13th.

Fun fact: Canadian CBC announcers were hired to do some of the character voices when Rudolph went into production back in the mid-60’s, including actor Paul Soles as Hermey the Misfit Elf.

Which is your favourite Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer character?

Filed under: Auction, Rankin Bass, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer