With Environment Canada calling for extreme temperatures for Friday, it has prompted the Middlesex-London Health Unit to issue a one day heat alert. Tomorrows temperature is expected to reach a high of 31 with a humidex value of 41.

All City of London community centers, & the City’s pools and spray pads are great places to cool down.

As well, the Humaine Society wants to take the time to remind people of the dangers of leaving pets unattended in vehicles during the summer months.

Parked cars can quickly reach deadly temperatures. Pets have a limited ability to sweat, so even in a short amount of time, a hot environment can be life threatening.

Pet owners should ensure their pets always have access to fresh water and opt to take their pets for shorter walks during the day.

If you’re enjoying Sunfest London, camping, or your backyard this weekend, keep a water bottle close by, use sunblock, wear light clothing, and take breaks from the heat by seeking shade or moving to an air-conditioned space. Find more tips to beat the heat at the healthunit.com.