Sometimes, life likes to throw curve balls. When I was 15, I lost my dad and my world was shattered. There are days when I still have those feelings of sadness and times where I miss him so much my heart aches.

My dad and I



However, over the years the sadness has also found another emotion: happiness. For the last 10 years, I’ve had another man in my life: My Step-Dad Simon.

Simon came into our lives a little over a year after my dad died. He also happened to be my dad’s close friend in life. He and my mom bonded over loss and heartbreak and in the end…he became another father figure and a man I could count on.

I wasn’t always the kindest to him AT FIRST. However he NEVER gave up on me or my brother and now 10 years later…he truly is my dad in so many ways.

It doesn’t mean I don’t still think about my dad or I miss/love him any less. But that doesn’t mean I can’t love someone else and look at them as my other dad. It just means I’m blessed with two incredible fathers that are so different and yet, so similar.

Typical of us tearing up the dance floor

So when I saw this Budweiser commercial honouring Step-Dads for Father’s day I KNEW that this needed to be shared because there are so many amazing step-dad’s out there and so many who deserve a moment of their own just like biological dad’s out there.

Simon has made my life better in so many ways…and has stood by me during my toughest moments and most amazing moments…including a special dance we shared at my wedding that I will forever cherish.


Watch the video below from Budweiser and thank you to all the father’s, step or biological, that shape kids into the people they are or will become. We love you!

Filed under: Budweiser, Dads, Father's Day, Step-Dads