A London city councillor is now $1 Million Richer!
by amanda.young on October 25, 2018, 03:10pm. EST
How’s this for awesome news!! London’s Steve Hillier won his ward seat on Monday night’s civic election AND $1 Million Dollars!
According to the London Free Press, London’s newest million-dollar man found out Sunday night he had struck it rich after he finished his final door-to-door canvassing before the civic election. A day later he defeated Ward 14 incumbent Jared Zaifman.
The winning ticket was purchased at Petro Canada on Wellington Road in London.
He still plans to take over the council seat and said the lottery win won’t change his approach. But the cash prize – won on a Lotto Max free play – will help Hillier pay off his mortgage and his two sons’ student loans, he said.
Hillier and his wife also plan to buy a new house – but still in Ward 14